Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Brake Master Cylinder problems

When we were replacing the rear tire, Jeremy couldn't help but notice how squishy the rear brake was. I took it all apart and could see the boot was torn up pretty badly letting brake fluid slowly leak out. I cleaned it and put it back together with a rubber gasket but that did not help. I asked my dealer (Valley Scooters) about getting a warranty replacement part and they requested it from Roketa. The email he got back said they need the VIN and "i'll ship it out personally", so that is pretty cool. The boot on the front is broken too, but it's not leaking so on that side I just requested only the boot.

Right now I have a mechanical napkin (as opposed to a feminine napkin) inserted into the small 1/8" gap. I have some plastic deteroriation from where it was leaking. Might need more parts yet again, but I don't think body panels will be under warranty.

Tire issues

I had a tire that got a hole. It was well repaired with a professional plug, but eventually just wore completely out. I got 2 replacement tires on ebay for like $25 each. They are INNOVA Meteor tires...nothing special. I put one on with the help of my good friend Jeremy. It was a struggle never having done it before. We actually had to cut the old tire off! What we didn't realize was that the valve step was cracked pretty bad. Add to that all the filling and checking...

...this past Saturday I rode it over to Jeremy's again flat. It ruined the tire. We replaced the tire again, and added a new valve stem I got online from Parts for Scooters. Another pal--Felix stopped by while we were doing this. Between the three of us we got it done a lot quicker--it was mostly an experience thing, not a physical thing.

The scoot is now running pretty good except for one small problem with the brake.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Dead End

The TomTom, following my Google map tried to take us down a road that said no outlet. The map clearly showed it was supposed to run through to a state park. Weel....nope. Had to backtrack. The broken pavement gave way to gravel and ran smack into a big rusty chain link fence that said NO TRESPASSING.


I saw this TANK Chinese scooter this weekend with an Aprilia trunk. That's sort of like putting a Jaguar hood ornament on a Yugo. There's been a lot of craziness in the scoot group lately. I'm hoping everything is back to normal very soon. Made a lot of good friends this summer and put on a lot of miles with several of them. Unresolvable disagreements and being immature (myself included) led to harsh words on all sides. No further detail is needed because it just would not be constructive. At the end of my road, I want only to ride with good people and have fun. Hope I get to keep doing that. Hope everyone has that chance.

Friday, August 1, 2008