Friday, November 23, 2007

Dealers: some ideas

I looked first at a company called GSMotorworks. The Better Business Bureau and a lot of individual people are not happy with them. They also did not have 250cc.

Next was Evo Sales. They were simply loved on the first site I came across called Motorcycle Muse. Later, I heard some bad things about their customer service, and found out that Motorcycle Muse may be run by Evo Sales. Several people who I consider "in the know" have privately told me that I should probably look elsewhere.

The next place I saw scooters was National Online Scooters, also not in good standing with the BBB.

I looked at scootertronics. They are considered reputable.

I looked at Valley Scooters. They are considered reputable by many and in good standing on the Scootdawg site. I was wondering what was the real difference between the makers if all the Chinese scooters use the same parts, so I filled out a form on the Valley Scooters web site, expecting a reply in a couple days. What I got was a telephone call from John Dikov who owns Valley. He spent around 30 minutes answering questions and giving me good information. I was pretty sure that I could safely order from this guy. If he would give customer support to a potential customer (let me also say that it was not a "sales" type support. It was informational and helpful) then I think that says a lot. He did not pressure me. He did not come off as a walking advertisement pushing his own company. He did not say bad things about other companies. Also, his prices are the best I've seen. With all that combined, I was almost sold. The only thing I had to do was see if I could find out any dirt on him, or Valley Scooters.

To this date (months of research now) I have seen only one thing that was negative. Weighed against the other positive comments, and other dealers, I am about 99% certain to order from Valley Scooters

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