Monday, November 19, 2007

Japanese vs. Chinese Scooters

I joined the Honda Reflex Owner's Group on yahoo last week--just as reference material--and also because the other scooter groups I belong to have sort of slacked off. I have a theory. I have not been on there enough to draw a solid conclusion yet, but here goes:

The problems with the Chinese scooters are problems with the
engineering, parts supply, and design of the scooters. Poor assembly and sometimes cheaper materials makes the Chinese scooters experience problems much sooner than the Japanese scooters. The same problems happen to your fine Japanese machines, but at 10,000 miles instead of 1,000 or 20,000 instead of 2,000. The real difference is the mindset.

With the Japanese scoots, you pay your money up front to forestall problems with your scooter and when they do happen, you pay your money to someone else to fix them. With the Chinese, you know there will be problems, you prepare for them, they happen sooner, and you fix them

I see these guys talking about bad stators, wiring problems, muffler gaskets, even so far I have heard "hard to get parts" and "in the shop for weeks". So I'm guessing they feel all the same pain--just a little later in life!

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