Tuesday, February 19, 2008

"Its not a DAMN MOPED"

I was irritated today. It was cold as hell, but decent weather so I decided I would go in a little late and run to the county clerks office to register my scooter. I dropped the kids off at the bus stop (actually I waited until the bus came) and went home to get my helmet and paperwork. Well, the scooter wouldn't start!! After talking with some of my buddies online, they were advocating making sure the carbureator was tuned in by the air and fuel adjustments. You have to have it running in order to make the adjustments. I tried starting again and no luck, but it was trying to start. I gave it a little starting fluid, and it began to idle. I got it running and took both kids (one at a time!) slowly and carefully around the parking lot. I brought the battery upstairs to charge fully overnight. I hope I have a little better luck tomorrow AM.

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