Thursday, February 7, 2008

Pickup and MCO

Now Chuck says he can let me have the scooter on Saturday because he'll be home, but not on Sunday until 3pm. So I asked my friend Steve if I could use his truck Saturday instead, and he said "sure". Now the kids and I are going up Saturday instead. Not a big deal, but I had wanted to spend most of Saturday unpacking. I will probably get to do that anyway.

The MCO is "lost" for now. The USPS fiasco leaves me with mail in a "dead zone" for about the past week or more. I will get it EVENTUALLY. Linda at Valley Scooters sent me the special TC96-182 form that is required by the state of Kentucky to get the vehicle licensed. On it, she listed the sale price as $2199 instead of the $1999 John and I agreed on. I have not checked with the credit card company yet to see how much I actually paid. I told her it was not right, and to please re-fax with the correct amount. If the amount I paid is actually $2199, I'm not going to be very happy about it. That's $150 more--because I will have to pay extra tax on that $2199 too... I will report back with what happens.

1 comment:

  1. Hi I'm interested in the type of scooter you just brought. Do you recommend i purchase it from Valley scooters?



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