Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Possible MCO Fiasco

Two weeks ago, I had the movers scheduled and I knew the date I was going to move--which incidentally happens to be this Friday. Well, I did the online thing for change of address. I noticed Wednesday and Thursday I got no mail. That's not extremely uncommon. I left Friday before mail came. When I got back on Sunday, still no mail. I called the post office and they started some sort of cluster-f*ck chain-of-events that may deprive me of my mail for a couple weeks. Cool. Well, I can live without Netflix, I pretty-much know when bills are due and where to send payments, but my bloody MCO is supposed to be coming!!! I can't register the scooter without it. Talk about going postal... When I get the scoot, I want to put my reflective pinstripe and decals on it. I guess I'll have plenty of time to do that...

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