Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Followup on Stranded

Well, the hitch did not work out.  He had some electrical issues.  I ended up renting a Uhaul truck one way for an exorbitant fee (with about $75 in gas too).  I am supposed to be the founder of the Louisville Scooter Group, and now I am questioning the wisdom of it all.  I know I have to get this scooter running, or get on another one soon.  Its the summer and this is prime riding time.  It's also a heavy hit to the household budget to go from $20 in gas per week to $50.  I am starting to feel for the first time that perhaps it was a mistake to go with a Chinese Scooter.  My decision was based on the fact that I could do the mechanicals myself, so I'm not feeling a lot of shame for the decision.  This scooter has been to 4 mechanics and none of them know what is wrong with it.  One was a specialist in both vintage and modern Vespas, two were motorcycle mechanics, and one was a general small engine/motorcycle/scooter mechanic.  If none of those people know what is wrong then I refuse to feel stupid.
This is a very bad weekend and a bad week.  I have to attend the regular Tuesday night LSG meeting tonight.  My laptop is needed if nothing else.  I am starting to consider weeding myself slowly out of the club.  I can delegate things bit by bit until I can just fade out.  They have voted to make meetings later anyway, and that is going to cut me out from attending through the week when school starts.  Might as well get them used to not seeing me around.

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