Thursday, November 13, 2008

Tuesday Meeting

We had a good meeting for a Tuesday night, when it is cold, raining, and gets dark before 630.  Everyone showed up on 4 wheels and we had no ride.  Still it was cool because it got to be after seven and only one person said "Is it time to go yet?"  but that was the guy who showed up hungry.  Highlands Coffee is no place to pick up a substantial meal.
We talked about membership, upcoming rallys, routing ideas for this colder weather.  My only problem is that are so many new and interesting places to see, not all of them within 15 to 20 miles of Louisville.  When it's a larger group, then the more people you please, the more restricted the ride is.  You get "I don't like to ride more than an hour." or "I have to be back by noon." or "Its too cold."   I'm pretty close to the opposite.  I won't start out if it's below say 30 degrees, or if it's already raining (spring, summer, fall) or might rain (winter).  I also don't prefer to start out a ride in the dark, but coming back is ok.
It's been cold and wet all week.  I'm just grumpy I guess.


I found a couple companies to do our Louisville Scooter Group patches.  Here in a couple weeks I hope to have some samples to show everyone at the Tuesday meeting.  I'll post them here, too.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Sunday - Good Roads

Typical backroads of Kentucky have scenery like this. I hate that its only the first of November and it's 40 degrees and many trees have lost their leaves. We had a very short fall this year.

Sunday - Downtown Bloomfield

This was such a cool little town. I stopped at the one gas station I found which was right in the middle of the little downtown with these cool old buildings. I got a cup of coffee and sat down and joined a dad and his three sons who were taking a break from hunting deer. There were some after-church people coming in for gasoline, everyone was friendly. It just gives you a real good feel to be in a little town like this.

Sunday - God's Land

I stopped at "Pleasant Hill Christian Church" which was just off the road. The people who attend here could honestly boast the claim their church lies in a beautiful piece of God's land. The scenery around was breathtaking.

Sunday - God's Land

I stopped at "Pleasant Hill Christian Church" which was just off the road.

Sunday - See Beautiful Rock City

At the beginning of my ride on Sunday, I stopped to get a shot of this barn. This type of advertisement was very common. Rock City and Mail Pouch Tobacco were the most common.

Scooting Saturday - Big Industrial Building

This big industrial building is in Speed, Indiana. Looks like it could have been a movie set.

Scooting Saturday - Old Filling Station

Near Hayden Indiana, I saw this old filling station. I don't know if it still runs, it was closed.

Scooting Saturday

Among all the little towns I visited collecting town signs, I saw some really cool stuff.
What are you supposed to do when the road is washed out? Luckily I had Eliza to tell me where to go (as usual).

In Butlerville, Indiana, I saw this motorcycle graveyard. I'm sure many would say my Chinese scooter looks at home.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Seat & temperature

For the record, the ATV seat cushion I got last month at Wal-mart works perfect for me! No more bum-fatigue! Also, I think I will have to draw my line at 50 degrees for "all-day pleasure cruises"!

Brewific Nostalgia

I could see Pabst Blue Ribbon, Old Milwaukee (shown) or something like Falls City beer being served with pride in many of the places I rode through this weekend. To commemorate the trip, I am finishing it off with a cold OMW. Not usually my "drink of choice", but oh well... Even though it seemed as cold or colder outside than the brew, it was still a very good weekend. Highlights were things like a flock of wild turkeys, beautifully colored trees among rolling hills, crops being harvested, covered bridges over running streams, little near-forgotten towns where they treat you nice, even if you're a stranger, ancient gray wood barns, and all the other things God has to offer you in Kentuckiana. The only negatives were the temperature, and nobody to share it with. Still, it was a VERY good weekend.

My New Vest

I didn't get the 500 miles in like I had hoped this weekend. I did get about 250 Saturday. I rode up to just North of North Vernon Indiana. The whole reason was to get a snapshot of Queensland, Indiana. It is not quite like my Holy Grain...that would be Xenia, Ohio. I did about 10 of those miles ON GRAVEL ROADS. For some reason over in Indiana, they have 90% of the white roads unpaved! In Kentucky, those roads are traditionally only 1.25 or 1.5 car widths but STILL PAVED! For the first 5, I did about 15mph. Then I started thinking that it would REALLY suck to be STILL on those roads after dark; so I brought my speed up to 20, then 25, and finally 30mph. At that point I vowed to get my arse back onto "solid" road and stay there. At one point I was on gravel, and Eliza (the tomtom) told me to turn onto DIRT!!! I had to go another TWO MILES to get back onto pavement! Anyway, I made it into North Vernon. I was shivering from the cold, and could find no Wal-mart, Target, or anything similar. What I did find was a Goodwill Store. I found there a 2XL sweater and this (pictured) 4XL fleece vest! I threw them on over my shirt, zipped up my tech jacket, and rode off a little warmer, although feeling a little "Maggied" (reference to Maggie Simpson when she is placed into her star-shaped snow suit that immobilizes her).

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Scootin today

It is pretty cold. This did not keep me from exploring Indiana. I have been thru places such as Cementville, Sellersburg, Charlestown, Otisco, Marysville, Lexington, Kent, Lancaster, San Jacinto, Rush Branch, Butlerville, Nebraska, Grammer, Scipio, Queensville, and now i'm having a cup of coffee at the McDonalds in North Vernon.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Scootin' to the Polls

I wanted to have a t-shirt or sticker today that says "I Scoot AND I Vote!" but could not find one.  If I had thought about it before like 11pm last night I could have manufactured one...
Too tired at that point, however, I DID scoot to the poll and cast my vote.