Sunday, November 9, 2008

My New Vest

I didn't get the 500 miles in like I had hoped this weekend. I did get about 250 Saturday. I rode up to just North of North Vernon Indiana. The whole reason was to get a snapshot of Queensland, Indiana. It is not quite like my Holy Grain...that would be Xenia, Ohio. I did about 10 of those miles ON GRAVEL ROADS. For some reason over in Indiana, they have 90% of the white roads unpaved! In Kentucky, those roads are traditionally only 1.25 or 1.5 car widths but STILL PAVED! For the first 5, I did about 15mph. Then I started thinking that it would REALLY suck to be STILL on those roads after dark; so I brought my speed up to 20, then 25, and finally 30mph. At that point I vowed to get my arse back onto "solid" road and stay there. At one point I was on gravel, and Eliza (the tomtom) told me to turn onto DIRT!!! I had to go another TWO MILES to get back onto pavement! Anyway, I made it into North Vernon. I was shivering from the cold, and could find no Wal-mart, Target, or anything similar. What I did find was a Goodwill Store. I found there a 2XL sweater and this (pictured) 4XL fleece vest! I threw them on over my shirt, zipped up my tech jacket, and rode off a little warmer, although feeling a little "Maggied" (reference to Maggie Simpson when she is placed into her star-shaped snow suit that immobilizes her).

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