Monday, March 2, 2009

Last Weekend of February

Even though this was a ride weekend, I didn't do too much riding.  I planned a meet at Krispy Kreme on Saturday at 9am.  I was the only 2-wheeled person there on two wheels.  A guy asked me about the Majesty, and gave me his card.  He said they carry gear for all motorcycles, scooters, ATV's etc.  He gave me a card which I didn't look at until just now.  It's the same place I heard a radio spot for.  I may check them out, but he made a point to note that "we don't work with them China bikes" which, if you know me, you know this sort of discrimination really puts me off.  I don't know if they do any service, or just sell parts and accessories. 
After that, I rode down to the usual hangout for a bit--Highland Coffee.  Then, I had 11am plans to meet up with my friend Steph who just got a new BMW motorcycle.  I had been dying to see it.  From what I am used to, it is a behemoth.  She offered to let me sit on it, but I recently screwed up my back and didn't want to take a chance with somebody else's baby.  We might do some riding this year (perhaps an IBA ride), and maybe a ride-camp-ride.
On the way back home I stopped for lunch at Jerrys.  When I was leaving, it started to sleet.  I took it extra careful around curves, used the 2nd street bridge instead of the interstate, and swung by the bookstore because it had already stopped sleeting.  Then I went home to work on my PC and do house work.
Sunday I got up and moving around, and I rode out to have lunch with my friend Ken who was in town working on his restoration project.  We rode down to the BBQ place and talked.  It was nice to see him.  After lunch we took the "long way home", and I suggested Trevillian Way.  I love that road.  Many of the houses have very unique arcitecure, and the road through there is winding and pretty neat.  We ended up splitting up over at the Nature Center that is over across from the Louisville Zoo.  We talked a while longer then we split up.  I went pretty directly home to get some laundry done and keep working on my PC.  That was the extent of my riding this weekend.

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