Thursday, March 5, 2009

Morning Ride, Patches, Route to WKRP

The ride in to work today made me sorry that I just have about 15-20 minutes to get here. I could have ridden until noon in this weather! I started out the door, and when I got outside, I turned around and switched my leather gauntlet with thinsulate gloves out for my summer riding gloves. Still a bit cool for them this morn with temps in the 40's, but I decided what the hell...we're supposed to have rain the rest of this week.
Last night I got out my Gasoline Rally patch and the new Louisville Scooter Group patches I had made. I had gotten some stuff the lady called 'interfacing' from the local Hobby Lobby and I ironed it on the backs of the "Paddy Smith" UK style rally patches. It made a stiffer back and the lady said it would protect from fraying. They also had some liquid stuff you could put around the edge to keep cloth from fraying. Next, I glued (with special cloth adhesieve) the hook component of velcro to the backs of the patches. My intent is to make it so I can move my rally patches from jacket to jacket depending on season. Well I got up this morning and it looked like the interfacing was peeling off. At first I was disappointed, but then I figured out that you have to peel this paper-like backing OFF of whatever you're working on AFTER you've ironed the stuff on there. So when I took it off the patches, of course, my velcro was attached to the throw-away backing instead of the patches with the interfacing backs *sigh*. I used some more of that special cloth glue, and glued the hook component velcro back to the backside of the patches, then I put the phonebooks back onto them. I will look at them tonight when I get home.
I posted to the Louisville Scooter Group that I had the option of several different routings up to Cinci for the Better L8 Than Never XYL-WKRP Scooter Rally. If you know me, you know how I am...very democratic. I had intended to do "majority rules" on the route. One of the other forefathers, Jeremy, posts his route that he has planned and says "I'm going up like this. Come with me if you want. I'm not taking any suggestions." quite the opposite. Hahahaha! He is a great guy who puts hours of thought into his routes. I was posting something up because nobody else had said "lets do this!" yet. I quickly deferred to Jeremy's route over my 10-minute snap route. His are always better anyway! The only way I'm not riding up with him is if my 1/2 vacation day doesn't get approved and I have to leave at 5pm. I'm pretty sure that the two other scooter clubs in town will have people there. I look forward to seeing them. As I have always said, I will ride with anybody. We've seemed to have fallen into our niche here in Louisville and the Kentuckiana area. We have a tight-knit vintage scooter club over at who have been around the longest. They are the most knowledgable and a great bunch once you get to know them. We have LSG...our scooter club where we just ride, hang out some, and do little else. Then there is the other group who is the newest. For diplomatic reasons I give no specifics of them, but all the riders are people I know and they are good folks. They are gonna ride up to Cinci on the Indiana side, which is cool. Anything that gives people more options is great!
Whoever you are, I hope you get up to this WKRP Scooter Rally. I look forward to meeting you. I'll be the big guy on the big red Majesty with the big LSG patch. ;o)

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