Tuesday, June 30, 2009

GASOLINE RALLY09-Saturday Evening Raffle & Party at Radio Radio

Radio Radio seems like a pretty cool place. Kat and I got inside and
I saw the swag I had been missing all weekend---they had coozies!!! I
snagged a couple and then we went out back for the grill. Food came
with rally registration. Kat and I both opted for the pork
tenderloin...which was dipped in this Tahitian sauce. The sauce was
the best part!!! They also had smoked sausages and brats. I came
back later for a brat...

We got settled in and Joan arrived. Shortly after was Steve and Jan.
It really doesn't get any better than this. Steve and Jan sat with
Kat and I and we had good conversation. Jeremy and Nathan came in
later, and I saw New Steve also. The bartender who's blond hair you
could never mistake for someone else--she had ridden in the rally with
us!! I got a Fat Tire ale, and did some people watching and talking
to my friends. Shortly a person came up to me. He or she was older
and dressed in an evening gown with pearls (I believe they had
pearls). Not only did this person do trick with a scarf and a finger
gillotine, but also was very funny and turned out to be the MC for the
evening! Very unique personality. Kat took my picture with

The music started and was really good, but they kept playing Elivs of
which i'm not fond, but can deal with. Quadraphenia was playing on
the screens. After one song they sequayed into some Led Zepplin.
Steve asked me if I knew the song...I knew it was Zepplin but couldn't
remember the name "Black Dog". I think he should call his scooter
that!! After the first set the did the drawings and raffles. I
didn't win anything but Jeremy and Jan did. Also Jeremy got his Uggo
award. I don't think his scooter looked that bad even with the mud!

Now it was pretty late and again...I was beat. I heard the second
band starting up as I put on my helmet and got Kat up on the scoot to
go. We called it a night--not early, just not too late. Tooled
around Indy and the roads that Tomtom directed me on were total crap.
Like speedbumps every 20 feet!!! I noted a lot of roads in Indy were
like this... Made it back to the room safe and sound. ETD for the
morning was 10am

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