Wednesday, August 26, 2009

LSG Tuesday Surprise!

Toward the end of the eating, my good friend Jeremy shows up on his newly aquired Vintage Honda 400 Motorcycle!! I was very happy to see him because he is my favorite person in the world to ride with and we've not had the opportunity to ride (or even hang out much) since Gasoline Rally. This friggin bike is wicked cool! Score one for the Japanese! In the scooter realm, vintage=Italian (for the most part). It is a very nice RED! He didn't stick with us too long...his bike is air cooled and doesn't like the slow speeds. We started out through the park, and it was so busy with people and cars that we were only doing like 10 or 15 mph. Still, it was nice to ride, and we'll have to have an excursion day just the two of us. Wonder how the Honda will handle creeks?

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