Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tuesday night ride

I'm going to be leaving in about an hour for the Louisville Scooter
Group Tuesday night ride. We ride about every Tuesday in good
weather. It calls for some possible rain, so I hope that holds out.

I just found a place that makes a little icon thing of "places I've
been" so I filled in my states! It looks pretty blank to me right
now, but I hope to check one or two more off before good riding
weather is done.

This weekend I might take a day ride just me (and perhaps Kathy as
passenger) on a little run around Kentuckiana scooter ing around to
some of those general stores and old country stores you see around. I
have been to several, like Rabbit Hash General Store, the Ole Country
Store in Sulphur, Laconia General Store, etc. There was even this
little gas station in Bloomfield which is completely modern, but they
have a little bench area to the left of the registers where a farmer
or hunter can sit and drink a cup of coffee. They didn't have a wood
burning stove, a checker game, or an old dog laying on the floor, but
it was still warm and welcome.

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