Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Jokester

This is my buddy Ralph. He has a Piaggio MP3...its looks like a scooter with training wheels in front...really cool machine. Well the other day I got off work and I am stopped at a stoplight. I pump my breaks at stops so it draws attention from cars. I am at a complete stop, and I feel this *thump*! I immediately think "Some stupid cager wasn't paying attention and just tapped me!" I was pretty I turn around and there is Ralph laughing his ass off!! I gave him the appropriate greeting (wave with special finger, and a "nice to see you" that started with "F***!!!") After he got his laughs out and I checked to make sure there was no extra Fruit in my Looms, we left as the light turned green. Its like two days later and now I can laugh (a little!) about it. Watch out for this tire-kicking jokester!

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