Thursday, October 1, 2009

Overcoming scooter stigma?!?!? Yeah, ok...

I started to be annoyed at this web article by , but ended up liking it.  In his article Johnson states such facts as...
"I understand scooters aren't the sexiest vehicles ever." of which I would have to disagree.  Lois is about as sleek a vehicle as you'd ever see...curves and everything, man.

"They just don't have that badass quality motorcycles do."  True here, I just can't bring myself to care about it.  I guess it's what you can do with a little scooter that is much more difficult on a 'big-boy bike' that makes me all meh inside about bigger bikes.

"One problem is scooters make you look fat." This statement is heavily moderated by the size scooter you buy.  You have to get one that doesn't make your ass look big (i.e. a 300# guy on a 50cc just looks silly.  Put him on a Honda Silverwing instead...)

"If your parents are too stingy to buy you a Honda Civic, chances are they can afford a little Yamaha Jog." Man, this could be me in 6 years!"

"I can comfortably fit a second person on the back. It works, because I can offer someone a ride home from a party but there's no way I'll be swamped by a crowd of party-goers looking for a designated driver." This is the type of think that makes a scooter a smart vehicle...a thinking-man's motorbike.

"Scooters may not have the same sexual kick a motorcycle does when you pick up a girl for a date, but she still spends the trip hugging you from behind." You hit the nail on the head, Johnson.

"Rain sucks on a scooter, though..." One word.  Gear.  Learn it, love it, live it.

"Seriously, you should give it a shot."  Unanimous agreement!!!

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