Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Dear Scooter-Santa

Dear Scooter-Santa,
I have been very good this year.  I went to the WKRP Scooter Rally in Cincinnatti.  It was a lot of fun and I got to ride up with some good folks, and met many more nice people while I was there.  I did the Iron Butt Association Saddle-Sore 1000 Mile ride, completed it with all documentation, and I am now a proud member (#387788).  I also went to the Gasoline Rally in Indianapolis.  I rode with, and met up with a lot of great people there too.  The singular exception being the tall dyed blond guy with the leather trench coat from the George Lucas Scooter Club or whatever it was.  He was an a-hole...  I was also happy to ride to Vonore Tennessee with my new scooter-pal Vince so we could ride US-129 and "slay the dragon".  I have also been good this year by trying to keep the Louisville Scooter Group running, and providing opportunity for the scooterists of Louisville and Kentuckiana to group ride if they want.  It has been a labor of love, but a labor nonetheless.  I have really enjoyed the friendships I have made in the Louisville area with other scooterists.  There are a bunch of good people, many who I have known and ridden with for two years now.  Scooter-Santa, they especially, are good folk, and deserve something nice under the tree.  I appreciate each yard of every mile we've shared together.
So I guess what I'm saying is, since I have been very good this year, here's my list:
  • a set of black Cortech saddlebags for when I go to rallies or travel
  • a Givi or Yamaha trunk (with attachment plates, etc.)
  • a new Garmin GPS
  • a communication system so I can speak with other riders (or my passenger), use my cell, play music, hear the GPS
  • a set of electric glove liners, or gloves
  • a Power Trip Dakota II Jacket
  • a SPOT tracker
  • an Arai Vector full face helmet
  • a new pair of summer gloves
  • highway pegs
  • Louisville Scooter Group patches
  • a new pair of riding boots
Ok Scooter-Santa.  I'm not going to BS you.  I probably have not been THIS good.  I just wanted to give you plenty to pick from.
Merry Christmas to you, and all Scooterists (even if you're not in the Kentuckiana area)
[and thanks to Ms. Becky for sending the cool picture of you!]

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