Saturday, April 10, 2010

WKRP2010 Got hit by a pink Stella

Everyone started to saddle up and JD hollered out “Louisville!” so we
moved into position. We rode around the city a bit and ended up at
Quaker Steak & Lube. Since there was no protein at Metro and I was
feeling more sluggish than my scoot, I decided to go in and order
something. I opted for the Chicken Fenders as something that might be
easy to carry along. While waiting we struck up a conversation with
Sean and Kimberly from Cincinnati. I don’t think they are associated
with any club (though I could be wrong) but they seemed like a really
nice couple. They ride a RV250 and said they were really satisfied
with it. I have to point out at this spot that the RV250 has this
cool stacked instead of side-by-side headlight design. When the
brights are NOT on, there is a ring around the bright lens that is lit
with LED’s. This gives it a totally Iron-Man-Chest-Ring effect that
makes me want one in gold and red for Kat. We bumped into them
several other times and spoke. They seem like good people, and so
they got a card in case they ever venture to Louisville so we can get
together for a ride.

Along the ride we kept getting passed by these guys on souped-up Rucki
(little 50cc Honda Ruckus scooters). At one stop we pulled up and the
fellow beside me was a fairly tough-looking bloke with a
bank-robber-type ski mask on with a big red pom-pom on top. I
couldn’t help myself—I motioned to him like I wanted to say something.
When he leaned over I responded by fluffing the ball on top of the
lil Ruck guy's head. Kat said he looked at his mate with a clear
expression of “WTF?” which was displayed even through the ski mask.
At another stop we met another Easy Peasy gal. This one had a cool
Blue Burgman S Type. It had chrome handlebars which I have always
liked over the ‘yet another piece of plastic tupperware’ found on most

The end ride would have been fairly uneventful, but there were really
good roads and sights. There were also some mishaps—only one of which
was I personally involved in. This is what I call The Second Great
Disappointment of WKRP 2010. As we have been told many times, in a
rally (or group riding in general) it is very important to keep cagers
out of the middle of the group. The best way to do this is to close
up any gaps and keep them closed. If your group is equipped with
blockers who’s job it is to stop traffic at intersections then you
should also move through lights quickly. I was doing a good job of
following, keeping my eyes open, but for some reason up ahead, someone
went heavy on the brakes. This caused a chain reaction of which they
rider behind me on a girly pink Stella was the weakest link. This all
happened at low speed, so nobody got injured (although Kathy sustained
a bruise on her leg), but the Stella’s chrome front fender protector
contacted the plastic end cap/heat shield on Lois and broke it. It is
not a mechanically functional part, so I assumed we’d be alright. We
finished up the ride and pulled into the Northside Tavern for dinner.
Kat had pictures and although the rider’s face shield was
mirror/smoke, she could identify them by clothing. Despite the “girl
power/chicks rock” type stickers on the scoot, it turned out to be a
guy. I took down his name and number and he agreed to settle without
getting insurance involved. In case he changed his mind, Kat has
pictures of the bike, the damage, and his license plate. We also had
witnesses. While parking our scoots, something really cool happened.
Joan showed up on her Honda Reflex!! She thought she would not make
it, but she got to sit and eat with us at the Northside!

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