Saturday, April 3, 2010

Metal against metal...not good.

Ok, after taking it all back apart (something made MUCH easier the 2nd time by not having the friggin' bolts welded in by corrosion) it was easy to see the problem. This is a picture of the fins on the variator. They are not supposed to be sheared off like this!!!! I was like crapping myself. Well after ripping it all back apart, they theory is that there must have been a spacer that I lost when Jeremy and I took it apart. Furthermore we believe now that it may have adhered to the inside by grease and when I laid the cover aside in the grass it probably fell off. Since I didn't have the part, we took measurements and I ran to H & S Hardware. They had some bushings that worked to keep the fins off the variator housing.

Not only did Ralph help me (it was his garage and his trailer that got me there) but also my new friend Jim R. helped out. They both had invaluable advice. Also Vince rode up from my apartment to Ralph's place. After a short while Jim O. showed up on his red Vespa, then before you know it, my good friends Jan & Steve were there. Also Joan showed up! It was the entire scooter gang, and they were all full of helpful advice and best wishes for getting my scoot up and running. These people--who I had mostly all known ever since I have been riding--they all showed up to support me and see if there was anything they could do to help. Oh--and also showed up to tease me some! These people are true friends and you could not ask for better ones. Ken was not there--but he's the one Tuesday at the meeting who gave me the No-Seize goop to keep the bolt corrosion from happening again! Between these guys and Jeremy it is very nice to know that I am appreciated. They think of me as a leader for the Louisville Scooter Group, and I guess I am defacto leader, but now I am beyond any doubt that I am also their friend. Without wanting to sound too sappy, I love them all.

I rode the bike over to El Nopal where we all had dinner (Kat went and got the kids who I felt bad for leaving alone for so long today). There was some sort of show going on at the had some Elvis impersonators and karaoke singers... We had food and talked, and there was a contest to see who could embarrass Kathy the best. :) Afterward Kat and Vince followed me home to make sure the scoot did well. It performed fine, but one final point was that Ralph said I definitely needed a rear brake pad set before the rally. So I will call Monday and see if I can find them in stock somewhere in town. That should be the last thing mandatory before rally time.

After rally will come tires and transmission oil change and perhaps a rear rotor (or I might try to get the rotor turned). I also (at Ralph's suggestion) ordered the specific manual for my year of Majesty. The one I had referred to the 2005-2007 models and apparently some details have changed in the 08 models.

Ralph had a micrometer so suggested I check the belt and weights. Funny...there was no real reason to replace them as they checked at not having much wear at all. What I thought were cracks in the belt were not, and the weights had not flat spots that were able to be picked up using the micrometer. I guess I have spares now...

At the end of the day I am almost ready for the rally. I got by with a little help from my friends...

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