Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Rain gear is a good thing to have!

Today at 6pm is the meetup for the Louisville Scooter Group. It is raining this morning and usually that would put me in the car these days. I don't know why I have been slacking off of riding in non-optimal weather lately. Perhaps its just that I know nice days (and plenty of 'em) are on the way. But today, I knew I would not have time to ride home, get Lois, and get back (we are meeting at Moby Dick Seafood on National Turnpike this week), so I got on the Colorado Chaps and figured that would be enough for light rain. I had my full rain gear under the seat, so I could always pull off and change. I had my new Power Trip Dakota II and Shoei Multitec, with Motoboss leather gloves. That was about it for rain protection, so I figured I would get a little soggy, at least around the edges. My feet and hands were cold when I got to work, but they were dry. Apparently the Dakota II is rainproof as well! The gloves are just plain leather, but I treated them last month with mink oil and I could see the water beading up on them this morning! Shoes didn't bead, but they kept my feet dry and about 15 minutes later they looked dry as well. The jacket and chaps were the worst, but they will definetly dry out before 5pm...likely before lunch! As Hannibal says, "I love it when a plan comes together."

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