Friday, April 9, 2010

WKRP2010 The Comet Post Registration

After this, the rest of our crew went to dinner out somewhere. I stayed at the Comet, as is my duty as the ‘leader of LSG’. *shrugs* When I went up to the bar to order food and get my PBR rally beer, I ran into this gal getting a Strohs. I thought to myself chicks don’t drink Strohs. So I told her “chicks don’t drink Strohs. Who are you getting that for?” She explained that chicks DO drink Strohs, and to prove it she took a sip. When I called her out for just taking a sip she explained how she would have “shotgunned that @&^$%#” if the bartender hadn’t already opened it. I was suitably impressed so I asked her her name and where she was from. Sadly I have forgotten her name, but she said she was from Columbus, Ohio. I asked “so are you one of the Cutters?” and she lamented that she was not young and hip enough to be a Cutter, and so belonged to the Easy Peasy’s. Well, Ms. I don’t remember your name, but you’re pretty cool in my book and wish you and the other EP’s always good roads.

At this point through several text messages I learned that the LSG’ers had went straight from supper back to the hotel. I decided after finding no fire barrel outside, and that the DJ’s music was thrice removed from my standard tastes, it was time to leave. Please note, no slam on the XYL’s here about DJ Grover who I found out was a member…just purely a matter of taste. Like my friend in the EPSC, I figure I was just not young and hip enough to enjoy it and figured I
should leave before starting to scream out “Free Bird!!”

After suiting up, I was approached by a big older fellow named Mike. He told me his short story and introduced me to his burgundy Honda Silverwing, which could, he assured me, at any moment be equipped with a trailer. He poo-poo’d on the vintage crowd first, explaining how
when asked where he was from and how he got there would tell that he ‘twisted the throttle’ (also including a nifty gesture to demonstrate). He didn’t think it was right that they should be
prideful in their scooters if they had not ridden them in. I asked him about Gasoline Rally and he said he didn’t think much of it as it was not a camping rally—he only goes to camping rallies. This gave me pause…I told him “What about WKRP—it’s not a camping rally…” He said that was the exception. He liked to show up and scooter rallies just to give vintage people crap. I thought perhaps he was a distance rider like the Iron Butt people, but he didn’t seem to think much of
them either and said they were idiots. I was pretty much done with him at that point having no common interest, so I just made polite and got out when I could. He had never seen a Majesty up close and complimented the bike, so I guess he wasn’t all bad.

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