Friday, April 9, 2010

WKRP2010 the SNAFU at Anderson Ferry

The hill leading down to the ferry was pretty steep, and I could see that they were full, so I put the parking brake on and sat on the scoot with the key off, waiting my turn. I decided to leave the scoot off and roll down the hill onto the ferry. Normally this would be the point where something very bad could happen, and it did!

I rolled down the hill and just onto the ferry. I decided to start the bike in order to get it the rest of the way onto the boat. It would not start! I pushed it up into place and my first thought was
“dead battery”. Through my wicked deductive reasoning, I could see that I still had power to the GPS, so the easy diagnosis was shot.

Now I was getting worried. I tried the key again, making sure the kickstand was not down, no luck—the dash was not even lighting up. That is, however, when I noticed my speedometer and tachometer. For some reason they were resting far clockwise instead of to the left like normal. Now I was very concerned. I was having flashbacks of Gasoline Rally 2008.

My friend Ralph got on his cell and tried calling a couple Yamaha places, and got the same exact words from several “That’s interesting--I’ve never heard of that before.” These were not the
sales people or the parts people he was talking to. This was the mechanic folks! I was a little beyond concerned. I had crossed to the other side of the street known as “I have a Very Very Bad Feeling about this.” The best idea they could offer was that it was some sort of anti-theft feature and to disconnect the battery for a few minutes.

I just happened to have the one tool I needed on my Swiss Army knife: a Phillips screwdriver. Well, procedure accomplished, I tried the start button and it fired up. To make sure it was not a fluke I tried it one more time before I buttoned it back up. Now the little crack I have on one side of my battery compartment has a twin. :(

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