Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Is that thing a SCOOTER?!?!?!

Last night after the Louisville Scooter Group meeting, I took Kat back
to her car and made sure she got in, then headed home. I thought she
was following me, but when I looked back she was not there. A couple
miles later I turned onto a long straight road with few lights. I
rode for about 3 seconds down this 4-lane when right beside me I hear
this loud roar that is unmistakably straight pipes. I look over and
there is some no-helmet wearing biker and his chick on a chromed out
cruiser. He was nice enough to stealth up beside me before laying
into the throttle so that he could have maximum effect in his effort
to "blow the little bike off the road". Usually I am able to let this
go, but this time it made me kinda angry.

I gave my little Majesty some gas and closed the distance in a few
seconds. "That's not gonna be good enough." I thought so I went WOT
and zipped past him with as much speed as I could muster in such short
time. It was enough. I had to slow down for the light and when I got
there, he pulled up beside me just as the light was changing. I went
heavy again on the gas and left him behind. My lighter weight and CVT
means I get a lot more accelleration off the start than most folks
give you credit for. At the next light I caught it yellow so had the
full red to casually turn mey head and smile. He says "Is that thing
a @$&%ing SCOOTER???" I tell him not only is it a scooter but its a
400. "Four hundred cc's????" he is in total disbelief. I explained
that these scooters DO come in 650... "No shit??? When you passed me
back there I was like 'Honey, what they hell was that???'"

The light turned green and just to make my point, I opened it up all
the way and after a few seconds, he was just a little dot in the night
far behind me.

...I'm blaming this incident on my buddy Vince. I think he might be
rubbing off on me.

1 comment:

  1. I would not say I am rubbing off on you as I would never do such silly thing like race a hog ,,,,, Yea I would lol



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