Wednesday, June 9, 2010

HAMS rally prep almost done

The Heart of America Maxi Scooter rally starts tomorrow.  Several folks from LSG and Louisville are going today and tomorrow, but Kat and I aren't riding up until Friday.
I am getting a little antsy to get the foot pegs mounted on Lois.  I want to see if and how they work.  I'd like to do that tonight but laundry duty and other stuff calls so it will probably be last minute on Thursday.  Great, no ride beforehand to see if it's going to hold.  :(
HAMS is in St. Louis and if you have time you should drop in and attend the festivities.  They have things going on Thursday for people who are already in St. Louis.  They have a Friday morning ride (again--I guess mostly for those people who live there or can take extra time off), and a meet and greet on Friday night with a pizza party (which may or may not be included in your rally fee).  There is also a night ride afterwards.  Saturday is a ride out into Mark Twain National Forest and lunch in Bixby (which I don't believe is included in your rally fee).  There was supposed to be supper and gambling at the casino Saturday night but that has been cancelled so I might just try to catch a movie or swim at the pool if nothing else is going on.  I think they still have a supper planned, but it is informal and also not included in the rally fee.  On Sunday morning they have breakfast and a ride but it goes West and Kat and I have to travel East.  We are the only ones I know of from Louisville who are riding to and from so we'll have to leave pretty early in order to make sure we have time for the stops and stuff we want to see on the way back.
I will give a report of the event here next week.  I am very curious of what the turn out will be like and how it's all planned and organized.  It seems very laid back compared to WKRP and Gasoline Rally.  I think the big difference is those were sponsored events and HAMS (I don't think) is.  I have not had a lot of time to peruse the St. Louis Scooter Club site, but I have not seen or heard where HAMS is associated with any retail entities such as scooter shops, clubs or bars, but this is only the third year, and they don't have the draw of the Indy500 track to bring in a huge crowd of people.  Still, if I was expecting people from over one thousand miles away (some are coming from Arizona and Canada!) then I would at the very least offer some Saturday night entertainment and a couple meals.  WKRP had that kind of stuff going on and this year was the first year they even charged anything.  No matter...I have a great route planned there and back with some scenic goodies built in.  Regardless, I am positive everyone will have a great time.  I know Kat and I will!

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