Monday, June 7, 2010

Official Documentation

I often get asked, sometimes with a sneer, "How fast does your little moped go?" The good news is that I now have in my possession verified state documentation which clearly states how fast the Yamaha Majesty can go. The bad news is the answer: "Fast enough to get a ticket for ten miles per hour over the speed limit." If you ever wonder how fast your maxi-scooter can go, I suggest you just keep on wondering. Velocity performance awards from the Indiana State Police are very cost prohibitive.

All joking aside I was breaking the law and "the law is the law". I
have excuses, but they still do not alter that fact. It was windy and
hilly which, unless I am watching my speedo closely, can alter my
speed up or down depending. I was daisy sniffing taking pictures and
observing the nice scenery. When I looked at my speed after the
officer turned on his lights I was only going like five over, but no
doubt was going faster back before that.

I thought briefly about calling the number provided and talking to
them... "Apparantly there's been a mistake. The officer pulled me
over and gave me a ticket for X miles per hour over the speed limit
for my little moped." ...but decided that'd probably go over about
like a turd in a punch bowl. I don't get many speeding tickets (about
one every five or six years) so I will probably just quietly pay the
fine and shut my mouth.

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