Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Scala Q2 Headset Earbud Mod -Finished!

Steve, the electronics master did all the hard mental work. He figured out what wires go where. I did the manual labor tonight and made it solid as a rock. I used common speaker wire (I am not sure the guage) to reinforce the original Scala wire. Everywhere there was a joint, joining of two soldered wires, thin insulation or any gap or space that I couldn't use shrink tubing, I used lo-temp hotglue to "caulk" all these areas. The effect is like having a somewhat flexible 3/8 inch plastic cord with wires inside it. The only place I didn't do this was a 1/2 inch space that I wanted to remain flexible (each wire is still individually insulated and then insulated again at least one more time by shrink tubing) and then the manufactured female 3.5mm plug and one inch of the wire (also manufactured) behind it. I tested it multiple times before sealing completely and finishing up. I mounted it to my helmet and it still works!

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