Wednesday, July 21, 2010


The rail depot which crosses the road to work is being repaired. It was really getting to be hell on wheels. My scoot felt like it was getting beat up pretty bad, so I would ride about 2 inches from the edge. Not so safe, but the only spot that wasnt beat to death. Today the manager of the industrial park (who was unshaven, jeans & t-shirt, looking more like one of the road crew) was escorted to my office by one of the warehouse guys. He gave me three pieces of rubber about 4" square and 1/2" thick and asked me to use them under my stand so it doesnt mark the pavement. Well...I was using something under my side-stand when it was blown over by the wind a couple weeks ago. The only reason I was using the side-stand at all was because they asked me to put something under it. After the damage, I didnt want to do anything which would cause instability. It is difficult to perfectly line up any kind of plate under your side stand, and even more so two seperate peices. Its almost impossible to do it by yourself. Plus my damn bike doesnt sink in to their precious assfault! I have been parking there for two years and there are no holes. I spoke to HR, and Judi said I should try parking on the concrete area between the office and shipping. That will be birdshit city, but its easier to wipe poop than it is to do bodywork. I still don't have the estimate!

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