Sunday, November 7, 2010

What to do?

I contacted all of my mechanically inclined friends for advice. Most of them said "get it to a Yamaha shop for a second opinion" but there were the few people in the scooter group who I know quite well and they insisted SPH would do a good job and were trustworthy. I went in Saturday and although Joe had no clue how it could have happened, he said that after Tueaday and one hour of labor they could tell the full extent of the damage. He called me later on the phone with devestating news. Joe said he suspects that when I did the oil change I put the new oil filter in backwards, and this completely destroyed the engine. I was completely in disbelief. I have changed the oil numerous times, and the way its set up, the filter has a small hole about the size of a pea on one end, and this fits up onto a peg. It has to go that way in order to put the cover back on. I could not believe I had done it wrong. He said he's seen this happen before on other bikes. Most likely I would be looking at a complete rebuild, not just rings, etc. I am gonna get in there on Tuesday so he can show me. I am still in denial...

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