Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Initial thoughts while on the side of I-65

My primary thought was that I would REALLY like to get my hands around the throat of the guy who sold me this bike.  Quickly after that, I start looking for something I must have done.  My theory was that, with only 2700 miles on the damn bike, how could anyone have possibly screwed it up!?!?!?!?

I think “what about removing the baffles?” and “maybe test riders screwed it up” and “did I hit a button or something” and lastly “he did something to it on purpose”.  I was fit to be tied.  I did something slightly naughty.  I had meant to call my insurance company at Kat’s moms and switch insurance from Molly to the new bike.  I did that asap while sitting in Kat’s charger along the side of the interstate.  One little bright spot—the damn bike was STILL cheaper than my 08 Yamaha Majesty scooter to insure…and with LESS deductible!  Kat called the info for the Indiana State Police to try and get a wrecker.  They were sending someone but he was about 60 minutes out.  We decided we could wait that long.  Almost that time goes by and they call to tell us there’s been a mistake and the first tow truck could not make it. 

This is about the time a state trooper pulls up behind us.  I am sitting here looking at the expired plate on the bike that I never changed.  I am thinking about how I just an hour before got insurance on the vehicle…. Come to find out, he was a really nice bloke.  He warned us of the laws we were breaking without documenting it or writing any citations.  He offered to call dispatch about a tow truck and he ran the VIN on the bike to make sure it wasn’t stolen.  He came back after running the VIN and said it was clean, but “with the laundry list of traffic violations he has, it’s good the seller is getting rid of this bike.”  I thought that was a hoot, but not enough to smile.  We told him we’d already called about a tow and so he asked if we wanted him to wait around until it got there.  I thanked him profusely for his help and told him he didn’t have to stay.


Kat has to pee, and I am frustrated so I call my insurance company to see if I get any free towing.  I explain that I just bought the bike and switched insurance about an hour ago then the bike died on the way home.  The insurance company said they would send someone.  About 10 minutes later a tow truck (sent by the police dispatch) showed up.  He said he was sorry but still had to charge me $65.  It would be another $65-70 for him to tow us into the next town (Columbus Indiana) so we told him to beat it after paying.  Shortly after, the insurance dispatched truck shows up.  He has a regular tow truck—not a flat bed.  Still he says it won’t be a problem and he does this all the time.  He puts the bike in a sling and lifts it with the winch.  The seat bends and pops up!!!  Still it’s too late so we let him haul it.

We end up at a Village Pantry which I have called and spoke to the manager to see if it’s ok to leave it overnight.  She was kind and it’s no problem.  If you’re ever at the VP in Columbus, say hello to Brittney.  I called my friend Ralph who has a trailer and even though he’s at a basketball game, he takes a few minutes to talk and let me know that we can come up Monday with his trailer.  At this point I am too tired and hungry to be upset or anything.  We go to Target to get a couple bicycle cable locks to put through the wheels.  Brittney gives us tape and I tape a note to the bike with my name and phone number and “please do not tow”.


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