Sunday, March 25, 2012

Last leg of the journey

On the final leg home, I stopped in Nashville Indiana and got some lunch. I also walked around looking at all the cool shops full of neat things you just cant get everywhere. I found fridge magnets for the states I visited. I got home around 530 and Kat came to give me a ten minute long hug. I guess she missed me for some reason! I was able to stay up until about 10pm before having to call it quits and go to bed. Five days of 10+ hours per day of riding with a lot of that being bad weather conditions has taken its toll. Not to mention the constant level of alertness required to stay safe on two wheels. Its not just physical, but a lot of it is mental too. On the ride down 65, I was passing a string of semi trucks. I dont like to hang out in their blind spots any more than I have to so I punched it. That oil/temp light came on again! I pulled in to the rest stop and moved the tool bag to the back of the bike out from in front of the radiator. I was going to get up some speed to test it out, but thats when it dropped down to 55mph in southern Indiana. It wasnt until the Gene Snyder that I was able to make a determination. I think that's got it fixed. I'll know for sure in warmer weather... Its nice to be home, in my own bed, with family and friends. I cant wait to see the kids...

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