Thursday, March 22, 2012

The only new state I got today. Another day spent from 9am to 9pm cold, wet, and miserable. I need new rain pants. I think these were worn out before I started out on Monday. I swear to god if this weather doesnt let the frack up, im gonna lose my mind. I tried to repair the pants by lining them on the inside with duct tape, but that only kept a little bit of me dry. My thighs and knees were so cold and wet for so long that they were purple. Ive been in dry jeans for 30 minutes or more, and my legs are still cold. I did get a break of about an hour today when it wasnt pouring which made me giddy with happiness and lulled me into a false sense of security-enough to change out of my mostly useless rain pants. That ended up being stupid becuase there was still a lot on the ground to be sprayed up when I got stuck behind a semi.

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