Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Rain, rain, go away...

Its still pouring here. The motel claims to have free wifi but its down. There is rain that leaks in from the ceiling vent in the bathroom. In retrospect, I would not let my dog sleep overnight here at the Hillside Motel in Homer, Louisiana. I am going to hook up to google places and post my reviews when I get home. Least I can do.

All the clothes I wore yesterday are hung out to dry, but the cotton items are still pretty damp. I'm going to put them back on and wear them wet so I will have some dry clothes to put on tonight. This weather is not scheduled to let up today or tomorrow and that is adding to my time away from home. I have lost the better part of a day already. Next goal will be to get back sometime Saturday in order to see my friends Gary and Bobbi from Indianapolis. If I cant make that, then I at least need to be home before Monday evening. With no internet I cant even get on to check mail, make weather or hotel searches, and any picture taking/sight-seeing is completely out of the question. That bums me out because it was the whole reason for the trip...

On top of it all, this area is a cell dead zone and I cant get any updates to go out.

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