Friday, March 23, 2012

The weather wins again

after leaving Le Claire it was my intention to take advantage of the good weather and head "straight for the barn" as they say. Well I didnt get too far when those pretty nasty looking rain clouds cropped up in central illinois. I was still in good spirits...i mean it was finally warmer, and I could handle a little wet. I got drenched, but I had my jacket and chaps on so I thought we'll just blow dry them at 70mph. I rode the rest of the day like that until dark. After dark it got real cold, and I didnt care for being still wet, and cold on top of that. I started having flashbacks of the previous three days! I had switched playlists on the ipod at my last gasup, and the theme song from the Ghost Rider movie came on so I pushed on for a few more exits. Finally, once it got dark I was unable to keep ignoring the flashes of lightning in the distance I was pointed and riding at. I stopped a couple places and found a room. I admit defeat. Again. Damnit, its mainly due to deficient gear! Also my gps keeps disconnecting and reconnecting. More I have to fiddle with while going down the road at interstate speeds. If I could keep 95% dry, this week would have been amazing. Still, as a good friend told me "even a bad time on 2 wheels is still a good time." This trip is putting that to. The test...

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