The Kentuckiana Scooter Chronicles is a journal of a man's entry into the world of motorbikes. It also contains product evaluations, reports on regional scooter events, and interviews with various people in the growing worldwide scooter and motorcycle culture.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Adding a windshield bag
It came in looking as good as their stock photo. The only problem was that it didn't fit Alice's windshield strap. I had to end up making a bracket to fit it out of aluminum bar stock.
For some reason, I wasn't liking the look of the aluminum. I'm not much on shiny, and if I'd have my druthers, every piece of chrome on the bike would instead be flat black. That's just me... So I got some paint. I found Rustoleum undercoating and thought that would be perfect. The only problem is that it took forever to dry!
I couldn't bring myself to cover the chrome bolt I got at H&S for about $4, so I left it shiny. Here's a picture from a few feet away.
I feel like it looks a lot less obtrusive. No compliments either way on it so far. Here's the before picture, along with my awesome helper:
Here's the after picture. It works just fine (and I've always been more about functionality anyhow).
Friday, August 12, 2011
Does this count as cosmetic damage?
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Perfect ending...riding the storm out
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Parking at school
Friday, July 1, 2011
Hillbilly Hotdogs, Huntington, WV
Saturday, June 4, 2011
My first cruiser breakdown!
Kat and I went out to Thai Orchid for dinner (I had a groupon...). It was pretty good. I got this pad thai stuff and she got some hotter than hell chicken stuff. After that I deciced to take the long way home so started out south on Taylorsville road. I got a couple miles outside of downtown Jtown and all of a sudden I could not seem to shift! I was thinking "oh hell, not again!" remembering about how the jackass I had bought the bike from never gotten any done (in 2700 miles) thus causing me over $800 of clutch repair, and also passing that first 600 mile service on as well. Then I pulled off and saw the whole damn left footboard was pivoting around! It was being held on by only one bolt that swiveled. Instead of the clutch lever moving everything ELSE did!. I saw there was a frame bolt that seemed to be holding on a coolant line bracket so using the wrench included in my handy dandy Suzuki tool kit, I removed that and put it where the missing bolt was so we could get home. Now I know a lot of people would go look for the bolt but frankly they aint got my luck...I had forgotten that Kat was with me! We walked back and there it was...laying in the road! I switched the bolts back, tightened the hell out of it (Suzuki brand 14mm wrench) and came on home. Where before shifting from 1st gear position seemed like a bit of work with about six inches of travel to get into 5th, now a minute little tap up or down changes gears. It will take some getting used to but I think I shall indeed love it!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Riding the Storm

Sometimes I ride in a group. They don't like to call it a club--it's mainly made up of folks that I don't really have too much in common with. Lately much has been said about riding in the rain, riding at night, riding on the interstate and riding long distances. It's the general opinion that riding is supposed to be done between 7am and 5pm, in good weather on slow back country roads of perfect condition. You should never take your bike out in the rain on purpose, never travel where you may run into gravel or get into a situation where you'd be required to exceed 50-55 miles per hour, stop every couple hours and trailer your bike if it would be over a couple hundred miles.
I've come to learn that riding is also about risk management. I have come to know that if you manage your risk by limiting the experience, you shortchange yourself. I gear up, always wear a helmet, and I am perpetually alert and aware of my surroundings when I ride, but on the other hand, I don't let "what could happen" or "what might happen" dissuade me from this two-wheeled mode of transport I love so dearly.
So I say: "You ride the storm, you become the storm." Once you truly own the experience, it is forever part of who you are.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Stephenson's General Store
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Derby Cycle in Louisville???
It took like four tries to find the place. All it was--a hand made posterboard sign on what looked like an office suite. Inside (it was unlocked) nothing much was there for sale. There was a couple people there who showed us the shop, but that was all they had and that wasn't really set up yet. Funny thing is I got this email back several weeks ago:
"We have opened our Louisville Store. It's located in the Bluegrass Industrial Park and the address is 11214 Bluegrass Parkway, Louisville, KY 40299. The phone number is (502) 267-7770 . Stop by and see us if you're in the area."
Hah, we stopped by...WEEKS AFTER THE OPENING...and nothing was there.
Airhawk durability
Cover for my Boulevard
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Storage capacity
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Rear rack for Alice
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Wet Airhawk
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Ride to (little) Stonehenge (aka Clonehenge)
Roaddog made by William "Wild Bill" Gelbke.
Well anyway, we got there and checked the place out. It was pretty cool. It’s on someone’s private property, but they make it known it’s ok to pull into their driveway and park for a bit to go look.
Vince took this picture. I forgot my dang camera so we only had our cell phones to work with.
Here’s Vince with his Burgman 650 Exec.
These are a few better pictures showing just the stonework.
I don’t know if it’s exactly to scale but I think the placement is right. The center stone has a compass carved into it showing which direction is North, etc... Here’s a pic of me standing on the center stone.
As you can see, the sun caused the picture to come out not-so-good.
Also we can’t forget the other great reason to come out this way…FOOD! Unfortunately Big Bubba Buck’s Belly Bustin’ BBQ Bliss was closed on Sundays and we did not know. We ended up eating at a Subway!
Yes, looks like neither of us was gonna go home and smack our mama’s…
We did meet and talk with some other riders at the Pilot where the Subway was. They seemed alright but Vince did more talking than I did. I was kinda hungry at that point and just wanted to get some grub.
And what was the cool souvenir I took home?
My first rider-burn of the year!
It was a great ride. We just basically headed straight for the barn down I-65 on the way home after eating at the Subway.
Here's Vince's video!!
Between the Rains on Friday
The large red one went on my windshield.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Clonehenge, my next adventure…
Deep in the hills of Kentucky lies an ancient druid holy place that has been the site for many human sacrifices, naked fertility rituals, summonings and workings of other powerful magic.
Ok, that’s all b*llsh*t, really it’s a scale model of Stonehenge just off Interstate 65 in Munfordville, Kentucky
It is known by some as “Clonehenge” which sounds kinda cute to me. Anyways, I’ll probably be ancient myself (or more likely dead) before I can ever ride my bike up to the REAL Stonehenge and touch the mysterious monoliths, so when I heard about this place, I did a little research and discovered it’s just over yonder (like everything in Kentucky). Really it’s a little over an hour away—one hour and eighteen minutes with the old trusty Google maps (or one hour and fifty minutes if you like to take the scenic route (along state roads and backroads). Also, as an added bonus, I hear that “Big Bubba Bucks Belly Bustin BBQ Bliss” has some really good grub according to some folks…
“The folks are super friendly, and the BBQ is so super-duper-awesome that you will, in fact, slap yo mamma! ..."
“Just the smell from the big pig-shaped smokers outside alone is worth 3 stars.”
”this ain't no generic box of food...this is southern home cookin.”
”My favorite part was listening to the owner advertising her place on the cb radio to all the truckers passing by.”
(all stolen shamelessly from the interwebs).
I am going to make this trip on Sunday (best case scenario). If not, I will have to run down south very soon and check both these out…
Like Christmas!!!!
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Painted Bridge with LSG
Friday, March 18, 2011
Ralph & the Fajita
Riding to Lunch
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Rooster Run
Sunday, March 6, 2011
River Road Saddle Bags
I visited River Road's website but could not find a quick connect that looked like mine. A quick email was met with a quick reply. After asking for a picture, Sherrie at RR simply replied "I'm pretty sure we have the right one. What is your address?"
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
I rode my motorcycle in the rain...
Monday, February 28, 2011
Finally got around to taking a few pix of the new bike.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Parts (aka UPS sucks)
Well folks, I (though very uncharacteristic of me) optimistically went by the Suzuki of Lou today to check on the (as yet unnamed) Boulevard. The mech said that UPS used to come in at 9am…you could set your clock by them. Now they are lucky if we get UPS in before 2pm. It was 1:30 or so when I was there. I considered waiting around, but didn’t want to appear as the guy who pesters the shite out of them…I left.
This is how it went…
ME: So I guess the parts didn’t come in today?
TROY: We used to get them around 9am, but now we don’t get UPS in here until almost 2 o’clock some days.
ME (trying for nonchalance): So you can give me a holler when the parts come in.
TROY: (irritation in voice) I’ll call you when it’s ready to pick up.
So…prayers for either the parts to come in or my sanity are appreciated.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Torn apart...
Clutch pads, springs, etc.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Trailering…yet again
Monday after class, Ralph and I run up to get the bike. Its good on the way up…Ralph is a very intelligent guy with lots of varied experience. It’s always cool to talk to him and hear about his experiences. I have always liked a good yarn…
We get to the VP and Brittney is still there. We load the bike up and this dude on a little Ninja sportsbike comes over for some small talk. He says how it looks like a really pretty bike and that “it’s pretty cold. I don’t blame you for taking it home on a trailer.” As I told Ralph later that is when I had the energy to want to kill somebody and this guy was it. I told him. “It’s not running right. That’s the ONLY reason I’m not riding it home. This weather is fine!”
Having already called the shops in town, I knew none were open on Monday. Ralph was nice enough to let me keep it on the trailer overnight. Furthermore he was nice enough to haul it over to Yamaha-Suzuki of Louisville for me. I talked to Ty in the shop and told him about the bike, that it was an 08 with only 2700 miles and I just bought it and had to have it towed and trailered. I told him that I needed it looked at that day—not necessarily repaired in case they had a huge waiting list—but I needed to know how bad it was. He was nice enough to get me in.
After school I went over to check. Sure enough it was the clutch. The mechanic said that somebody had overly tightened the clutch adjustment and the clutch pads had been rubbing and causing constant friction which is what burned them out. He said it was not great but not bad. I said “so are we talking like $1000????” and he said that it wouldn’t likely be that much even worst-case-scenario. I was relieved—I had the money to fix it (just barely). I asked him “what about $500?” he said with a couple hours and labor it might get into $250-300. I was relieved. I told him I know they probably couldn’t work on it right away because I figured a lot of other people were ahead of me. He said “I was gonna tear it down today and order parts. I can let you know something for sure tomorrow morning.”
That’s where we’re at right now.Initial thoughts while on the side of I-65
My primary thought was that I would REALLY like to get my hands around the throat of the guy who sold me this bike. Quickly after that, I start looking for something I must have done. My theory was that, with only 2700 miles on the damn bike, how could anyone have possibly screwed it up!?!?!?!?
I think “what about removing the baffles?” and “maybe test riders screwed it up” and “did I hit a button or something” and lastly “he did something to it on purpose”. I was fit to be tied. I did something slightly naughty. I had meant to call my insurance company at Kat’s moms and switch insurance from Molly to the new bike. I did that asap while sitting in Kat’s charger along the side of the interstate. One little bright spot—the damn bike was STILL cheaper than my 08 Yamaha Majesty scooter to insure…and with LESS deductible! Kat called the info for the Indiana State Police to try and get a wrecker. They were sending someone but he was about 60 minutes out. We decided we could wait that long. Almost that time goes by and they call to tell us there’s been a mistake and the first tow truck could not make it.
This is about the time a state trooper pulls up behind us. I am sitting here looking at the expired plate on the bike that I never changed. I am thinking about how I just an hour before got insurance on the vehicle…. Come to find out, he was a really nice bloke. He warned us of the laws we were breaking without documenting it or writing any citations. He offered to call dispatch about a tow truck and he ran the VIN on the bike to make sure it wasn’t stolen. He came back after running the VIN and said it was clean, but “with the laundry list of traffic violations he has, it’s good the seller is getting rid of this bike.” I thought that was a hoot, but not enough to smile. We told him we’d already called about a tow and so he asked if we wanted him to wait around until it got there. I thanked him profusely for his help and told him he didn’t have to stay.
Kat has to pee, and I am frustrated so I call my insurance company to see if I get any free towing. I explain that I just bought the bike and switched insurance about an hour ago then the bike died on the way home. The insurance company said they would send someone. About 10 minutes later a tow truck (sent by the police dispatch) showed up. He said he was sorry but still had to charge me $65. It would be another $65-70 for him to tow us into the next town (Columbus Indiana) so we told him to beat it after paying. Shortly after, the insurance dispatched truck shows up. He has a regular tow truck—not a flat bed. Still he says it won’t be a problem and he does this all the time. He puts the bike in a sling and lifts it with the winch. The seat bends and pops up!!! Still it’s too late so we let him haul it.
We end up at a Village Pantry which I have called and spoke to the manager to see if it’s ok to leave it overnight. She was kind and it’s no problem. If you’re ever at the VP in Columbus, say hello to Brittney. I called my friend Ralph who has a trailer and even though he’s at a basketball game, he takes a few minutes to talk and let me know that we can come up Monday with his trailer. At this point I am too tired and hungry to be upset or anything. We go to Target to get a couple bicycle cable locks to put through the wheels. Brittney gives us tape and I tape a note to the bike with my name and phone number and “please do not tow”.